So, Monday I forgot to make a post. Then, Tuesday I started a post and forgot to finish. Womp. I really hit the legs hard today. I'll probably go back later and do cardio and abs after work.
This lift is focused more on building muscle. I did high reps on everything. When I work legs and tris again on Saturday, I'll be focusing more on weight. I had breakfast after this lift with just water before. For the heavier lift later in the week, I'll eat breakfast first.
Note: On sets of 10-12, the last 2 or 3 reps really burn and take a lot of effort. If you could easily do 15 reps, you need heavier weight
Pause Squats: squat down, hold for a 3 count, come up
Legs and Tris
15 minute warm-up: basketball
Squat warm-up: 2x12 (135 #s)
Pause Squats: 2x10 (185, 225 #s)
Squats [no pause]: 2x10 (225, 275 #s)
Seated DB Triceps Extensions: 3x12 (60, 75, 85 #s)
Triceps Superset: 3x12
Triceps Extensions w/ Rope
Triceps Extensions w/ Flatbar, palms up
Leg Superset: 4x12
Quad Curls
Hamstring Curls
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