Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan. 31: A Trio

So, I did such a crap job in the gym yesterday that I didn't even type my workout up. This Pittsburgh rain kills my drive. Had to go back and re-work my back and bi's today. Should have been a chest day, but my shoulder is still sore.

Back, Bi's and Tri's

Arnold Pull-overs: 3x15, 3x 7 ***The sets of 7 should be with heavier weight

Heavy Dumbbell Curls: 3x7

Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions: 3x12-15, each arm

Dumbbell Curls: 3x10

Dumbbell Kickbacks: 3x15 **I prefer one arm at a time; the video shows both at once


Cable-machine Triceps extensions: 3x10, 3x7

Preacher-bar Curls: 3x12 **Less weight, really focusing on the contraction

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan. 29: Thick Thigh Tuesday

I barely walked out of the gym today…HA! I pushed past a few mental boundaries and made some serious gains today. Hopefully, someone else will do this workout and tell me how it went for them!

Legs and Shoulders

Squats: 2x7 (warm-up), 3x5 Heavy (me: 135, 185, 275, 275, 295 lbs)

Barbell Shoulder Press: 1x12, 2xAMAP (95x12, 115x16, 135x10, 95x8)

Leg Press: 1x15, 2x AMAP (me: 2 plates x 15, 2 plates x 30, 4 plates x 35)

****This one was the kicker. This guy worked in on leg press with me and tossed on 4 plates on each side. When I asked him how many reps he thought we should do and he said 30, I laughed like he was crazy. My last set of 35 was like a self-taught lesson on will power and determination. I want to hear someone else's success story!

Hamstring Curls: 3x15

Calf Raises: 3x15

Walk away slowly...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jan. 22: Legs and shoulders

Man, it's so cold outside it hurts! Almost too cold to walk to the gym- almost.

Hopefully someone will send me some before pictures for my slide show! Put your before picture up so you have to make an after version showing your success! Somebody will hear me out, I hope…

Legs and Shoulders

Heavy Squats: 2x7 (Warm-up), 3x5 heavy

Smith Machine Calf Raises: 1x12, 1x15, 1x25

Barbel Shoulder Press: 4x7

Front Deltoid Raises: 3x15

Quadricep Curls: 2x20

Monday, January 21, 2013

Jan. 21: Chest Day

Hello All,

I focused on just chest today. After having to take 2 months off, it's hard to get my pec endurance and strength back up. Scratch that- it's hard work, but it's just a matter of determination. Shoulder's not 100% yet, but it's getting there. My numbers (the ones in the small font) are way low compared to before...

Someone share their success, please! Ask your questions! give me your comments. Hit me up!

Chest Day 

Bench Press: 2x15 (Warm-up), 3x10-12 (155 lbs)

Inclined Dumbbell Bench: 4x AMAP (60s x12, 55s x15, 40s x17)

Dips: 3x10-12

Butterflies: 5x5, quick sets (shorter rest times)

I was pretty beat up after that. I went and stuffed my face immediately after the gym.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

June 18: Legs and Shoulders

Another good day..was in a bit of a rush.

Legs and Shoulders

Heavy Squats: 2x10 (Warm-up), 4x5 Heavy

DB Seated Shoulder Press: 3x12

Calf Raises: 3x15 Slow

Quadriceps Curls: 2x14 **Two legs up, one leg down, alternating legs.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jan. 15: Leg and Shoulder Day

Another hard hard day. It was a struggle to make it out of the gym, I was so tired!

Leg Day

Squats: 1x12 (Warm-up), 1x12, 1x15, 1x20

Barbell Shoulder Press: 3x12-15

Smith Machine Calf-raises: 3x20

Side Deltoid Raises: 4x12

Monday, January 14, 2013

Jan. 14: Chest and Triceps

So, today was my first day in almost 2 months working chest again! I think my shoulder is finally healing, but it's still iffy. Either way, it felt good to feel big again. It was almost upsetting how many New Years people decided to be in the gym today. Please, somebody prove me wrong and actually commit to getting the body you desire!

Chest and Tri's

Dumbbell Bench Press: 4x15-20 **Let the first set be a warm-up

Dumbbell Incline Butterflies: 3x15-20

Triceps Extensions, palms down: 3x12-15

Dips: 3xAMAP (as many as possible)

Incline Bench Press: 3x10-12

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Small update and a link on burning Fat

Hello anyone that might be interested. I'm home on my last Christmas Break for college and haven't really had access to a gym that I can lift at. Hence, me not posting my workouts. As I have a race in April, I have to start running again to get a little more lean and increase my speed.

A friend asked about burning fat- popular topic. here's an article I found useful from I tend to read quite a bit from their website in my free time

Hopefully someone will get back to me!