Thursday, July 24, 2014

7/24: Back and Shoulders

Dear World,

Today was another good day at the gym. My stomach wasn't happy with me when I woke up, though, and I ended up a bit rushed. The first shoulder lift was focused mainly on strength, but everything else was more for building muscle.

Back and Shoulders

Lat Pull-downs [behind the head]: 3x10

Seated Arnold Shoulder Press: 4x7 (45, 55, 65, 75 #s)

Superset 1: 3x12
Straight-Arm Pull-Downs

I did the straight-arm pull-downs using a cable machine with a flat bar. The motion is the same as in this video.

Narrow-Grip Lat-Pull-Downs

Superset 2: 3x12
Barbell Shrugs
Bent-Over DB rows

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

7/23: Legs and Triceps

So, Monday I forgot to make a post. Then, Tuesday I started a post and forgot to finish. Womp. I really hit the legs hard today. I'll probably go back later and do cardio and abs after work.

This lift is focused more on building muscle. I did high reps on everything. When I work legs and tris again on Saturday, I'll be focusing more on weight. I had breakfast after this lift with just water before. For the heavier lift later in the week, I'll eat breakfast first.

Note: On sets of 10-12, the last 2 or 3 reps really burn and take a lot of effort. If you could easily do 15 reps, you need heavier weight

Pause Squats: squat down, hold for a 3 count, come up

Legs and Tris

15 minute warm-up: basketball

Squat warm-up: 2x12 (135 #s)

Pause Squats: 2x10 (185, 225 #s)

Squats [no pause]: 2x10 (225, 275 #s)

Seated DB Triceps Extensions: 3x12 (60, 75, 85 #s)

Triceps Superset: 3x12
Triceps Extensions w/ Rope
Triceps Extensions w/ Flatbar, palms up

Leg Superset: 4x12
Quad Curls
Hamstring Curls

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Let's get back to it...

Let's get back to it...

Enough people have asked me for workout tips lately to make this blog worthwhile again.

Please understand, there are many philosophies on how you should train. Half of what I do is focused on increasing strength and increasing muscle.

Currently, I'm trying to evaluate how I can manage low body fat levels (and the struggles that come with it) while having a full time job. I would like to do a body building competition later in the year. So now, most of my work outs are a bit faster paced with more total reps, working to lean myself out.

FYIIf someone asks me a question that I can't answer, I go to

Recent Question:

Q: "Can you help me get lean?"
A: Eat clean, cut carbs, do cardio. Do what I do

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10: Chest and Biceps

Hello World, 

I haven't updated this in a long while, but a few friends called me out and I decided I'd type this up. Been hitting the gym extra hard lately. Started going in the mornings when my head's not all bogged-down after work. I get better workouts when my head is clear, I've noticed. Comments?

Chest and Biceps

Bench press
-255 lbs x10, three sec pause on first 2 reps and last 2 reps
-265 lbs x 10, pause on last 2 reps
-225 lbs x 10, 3 second pause on all

***The pause happens with the bar on my chest, not extended in the air.


Seated Preacher Curls
-25s each side x 12
-20s x 15
-15s x 20


DB Incline Press
-70s x 7
-85s x 7
-95s x 7


Standing DB Curls
-45s x 5
-50s x 5
-55s x 5
-60s x 5 (barely...ha)
***each arm

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nov. 19: Heavy Legs and some Biceps...

Today was somewhat of a short day. Felt extra toasted after squatting pretty hard and couldn't bring myself to do any more than I did.

Pushing 365 was a new high. After that, it was all I could do to stay awake!

Legs and Bi's

Squats: 3x7 (135, 185, 225) 4x5 (275, 315, 365, 315)

Flatbar Biceps Curls: 1x10, x12, x15

Hamstring Curls: 3x10-12

Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov. 18: Chest and Triceps

Another reasonably big day. No new highs, but I'm feeling good afterwards.

Chest and Tri's

Bench Press: 3x5 warm-up (185 lbs), 3x7 (225 lbs., 250 lbs., 265 lbs.)

Reverse-grip Triceps Extensions: 1x10, 1x15, 1x20

Butterflies: 3x10

DB Kickbacks: 3x12

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nov. 17: Back Day

Feeling toasted after this lift. Haven't been keeping the blog updated after my recent travels for work, but I think I'm going to re-up my focus on this and my personal fitness.

My new mantra- "Always better"

Back day

Wide-grip Lat Pull-downs: 3x12 (3 min. rest between sets)

Wide-grip Lat Pull-downs: 3x7 (~1 min. rest between sets)

Bent-over DB Rows: 3x12

Bent-over DB Rows: 3x7

Close-grip Pull-downs: 4x12 **Using the handle with your palms facing each other

Shrugs: 3x12

Eat some chicken...