Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back Buster Tuesday

Back Day
videos added per request…

Lat. Pull-downs: 3x14 (7 in front, 7 behind the head)
Twisting Low Cable Rows: 3x10-12

Close-grip Seated Rows: 3x10-12

Pull-downs for Front Lats: 3x12

Angled Rows, heavy: 3x10

Dumbbell Straight-legged Deadlifts: 3x12

Bent Over Rows: 5x5-7, heavy

Arnold Pull-overs: 3x10-12

Crappy evening…someone leave a nice comment…


Monday, January 30, 2012

To start off the week. . ."Chest-er Molester"

Soooo, I'm trying to get my bench max up. Starting the week with a. . .

Chest Day

Bench Press: 3x20

Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press: 3x10

Single-arm Incline DB Bench Press: 3x10-12

Incline Butterflies with Cables: 3x12 (At cable machine, put the cables midways between hips and knees. Arms ~1 
                                                                            foot away from hips, bring them up and across your body, touching hands in 
                                                                            the middle. Focuses on upper chests)

Heavy Butterflies on machine: 3x7-10

Decline Dumbbell Bench: 3x10-12

I should say do ABS!!! but I got tired and quit…. lol


Get at it…


Sunday, January 29, 2012

And on Sunday, I stretched

Hey hey,

No lifting today…

Did some cardio!! surprise yay

Did a bunch of STRETCHES

IT'S IMPORTANT to take a day off and recover. Working particular muscle groups once a week gives a reasonably long recover time, but a day off is still necessary

something to think about...Some of my best lifts are actually after I've done nothing serious for a few days

ThoughtsSUGGESTIONSQUESTIONS for the upcoming week???


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday- "Shoulders like Boulders

**I like to make sure to stretch my shoulders particularly well before starting a shoulder workout**

Standing Flatbar Shoulder Press: 3x10

Dumbbell Side-Deltoid Raises: 3x10 (moderate weight, focusing more on form)
                                                     2x5-7(heavier weight, muscle it up to get used to the weight)

DB Side Deltoid "Burners": 3 sets- 10 low (arms go from hips to halfway between vertical and            
                                                         - 10 all the way up (arms go from hips to being parallel to ground)
                                                         - 10 high to low (arms go from parallel to ground, halfway back        
                                                                                                            down towards your hips, then back up to parallel)
                                                    **There are 30 reps total, no rest, PER SET (This is mad hard. I used 15s and 20s)**

Upright Rows with Preacher-Curl Bar: 3x10 (moderate weight, again focusing on form)
                                                             3x5-7 (Heavy)

Rows using cable machine and rope handle: 3x10-12 (Lower the cable down to just below waist level,
                                                                                                                        let shoulders rotate forward and stretch as far as possible, 
                                                                                                                        rotate your chest up, shoulders back and pinch
                                                                                                                        your shoulder blades together)
                                                                                                                        **Aimed to work your upper middle
                                                                                                                        back/lower trapezoids**

Heavy Dumbbell Shrugs: 3x10-12 **DO NOT BE THE TOOL THAT DOESN'T BRING HIS/HER
                                                              SHOULDERS ALL THE WAY UP BECAUSE YOU'RE 
                                                              USING TOO MUCH WEIGHT!!!!! Do as much weight as
                                                              you can do while still getting the
                                                              FULL RANGE OF MOTION
                                                              or you're wasting time and effort**

Since it's the end of the week (I'm taking Sunday off) I did a few things for forearms, a little more work for my inner triceps, things I wanted to polish a bit.



Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday was Arm-day

Curls for the Girls, Bi's for the Guys

Heavy Reverse-grip Bench: 5x7 (palms up, hands about shoulder width or just a tad wider. Bring bar
                                                        down until biceps are parallel with your chest/body. Go too low and
                                                        you'll strain something)
Single-arm DB Skull-Crushers: 3x12 (laying on bench)
Single-arm Bent over Triceps Curls: 3x12 (Using a 10 lbs plate or dumbbell, bend over like doing a
Arm not flat = CHEATING = do less weight!!!    one-armed row, keep your elbow pinned/close to your hip
                                                                         and parallel to the ground. Extend your arm until it's
                                                                         straight, curl you wrist outward at the end to really tighten
                                                                         your inner triceps.)
2-Handed Triceps Curls w/ Rope handles: 3x12-15 (on cable machine)

Flatbar Curls: 3x12 **Move your grip to a different position after each set to work a range of muscles
Flatbar Reverse Curls (palms down): 3x12 **keeping your wrist locked parallel with forearms
                                                                             strengthens your wrist and forearm**
Heavy Half-curls on Preacher bench: 5x7 (let your arm go just barely past 90 degrees as you extend;
                                                                        focuses on your upper bicep. Gives you the v-cut between            
                                                                        your bicep and deltoid)
Concentration Curls on Cable machine: 3x10-12 (with cables about chest height, and bicep and
                                                                                    forearm parallel to the ground at all times, bring
                                                                                    hand in to your opposite pec/arm pit at moderately
                                                                                    slow speed.)

Wobbly-leg Friday

Shout-out to Nick H…hope this is good enough for you cuzzz it killed me lol
Shout out to Wesley H. It was actually a pleasure lifting with you today! I love sharing the bit o' knowledge that I have. Teaching and helping someone else DOES NOT EQUAL slowing me down. Hopefully you'll stick with it and keep coming out.

Leg Day!!!!

One-Legged Leg Press (machine): 2x12, 1x20
Heavy Squats 4x5, 1x As many as possible (I finished with a set of 7)
Smith Machine Deadlifts: 3x10-12

Circuit- 3 rounds!!
1. Hamstring Curls (on machine): x10-12
2. One-legged Quad Curls (on machine): x10-12
3 Calf-raise Mini-circuit: feet parallel: 10 slow, 10 fast
                                           feet pigeon-toed (exaggerate it to work your inner calf): 10 slow, 10 fast
                                           feet pointing out (heels together, almost, to work the outer calf): 10 slow, 10 fast

Abdominals TAKE A NAP!!!!

Thanks everyone for the feedback! It helps and motivates me to keep doing this and keep hitting the gym myself. 

MORE COMMENTS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Is it possible to post pics?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Busty Wednesday

Chest Day
- I took Tuesday off and did cardio

Bench Max Routine (this calls for a lot of reps and always gets me better results than doing too much weight too fast):
Light warm-up weight: 1x12    (Knowing I'll get to +300 lbs, I start with 135 lbs [To give you an idea 
                                                                      ofwhere to start])
Light work-out weight: 1x 7     (Again, I did 185 lbs. for this set)
Work-out weight: 1x3-5            (225 lbs. for me [Whatever weight you like to do for sets of 7-10 normally])
Heavy weight: 1x1                     ***Repeat this last one until you can't go up anymore. Don't jump more
                                                    than 15 lbs at a time!!!! You will fail prematurely***

Incline Bench: 3x10 (with as much weight as you can do for 10 reps, of course)

Cable Incline B-flies: 3x12 (ask me what these are)

Finisher Bench Press: 5x5 (use a Squat cage/rack, lay on the floor or on a bench. Adjust the 
                                                                                      safety racks [the long ones that stick out! not the the ones that 
                                                                                      you rerack the bar on] so that when you grab the bar, your 
                                                                                      elbows level with your chest. Lock out the weight, let it rest back 
                                                                                      on the safety racks before doing the next rep)
Dumbbell B-flies: 3x12

Feedback???? Thoughts and such????


Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday's back

Back Day

Close Grip Pull-Ups (palms up): 3x10-12
Wide Grip Behind the Head Pull-Ups: 3x12
close Grip Pull-downs (on lat pull down machine): 3x12 (use this handle Accessories_Double_D_Handle.jpg)
One arm DB rows: 5x7
Romanian Dead Lift: 3x10
Reverse Butterflies: 3x10
Flatbar Rows: 3x7  <------maybe……

Abs err'y day……Lying…but we should do some today…

Let me know maybe? Say wasup? 
show support?
be friendly?
Tell a joke?
make a suggestion?
Ask a question?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ended the week with chest

Heavy day..time to get big..short workout cuz of an appointment

Heavy Bench Press: 5x5 (**after a light set of 12 or so to warm up**)
Inclined One-arm Dumbbell Benchpress: 3x7
Decline Bench: 3x10
Butterflies: 3x10

I had to end early..shoulda done a few more lifts and some abs and stuff

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Leg day Thursday

…I hope  I can finish this…

Leg Press: 3x12
Heavy squats: 5x5
Dead Lifts: 3x7
One-legged Quad Curls (moderate weight): 3x10
Quad Curls (both legs, heavier weight): 3x10
Hamstring Curls: 3x10
Goblet Squats: 3x12


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday Arms

Always start off with a light-weight set of ~15 reps to warm up a bit…stretch and stuff

Superset 1:
Reverse Grip Bench (palms facing down instead of the usual up): 3x10
Reverse Grip Triceps Curls (on cable machine, palms facing up): 5x12
Superset 2:
Bicep Curls with flatbar/barbell: 5x12
Close Grip Dips: 4x12, as many as you can for the fifth set
Superset 3:
Overhead Bicep Curls (on cable machine, sit down with arm extended straight up. Curl the cable handled behind you, keeping elbow in the air above your head): 3x10
Triceps Curls (on cable machine, palms down): 3x10
Heavy Hammer Curls: 3x7

Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Press: 3x7

Bicep curls on incline bench (put your feet in the seat of an inclined bench, sit on your feet and lay back. Let your arms hang down, curl the weight up as high as you can. Gives you the maximum range of motion): 3x7

Go get a 6pack!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Shoulder Tuesday

Seated Barbell Shoulder Press, med. weight: 3x12  (*** Start off with a very lightweight set of 15-ish' reps ***)

Standing Barbel Shoulder Press, heavy weight: 3x7

Upright rows: 5x10

Deltoid raises to the side: 3x 7

Shrugs: 3x12

…..Do some abs and some crunches and stuff...

Monday's Chest Workout

Bench press

  1. Warm-up set: 1 set x 10 reps.
  2. Moderate weight: 3x10 (do as much weight as you can do for 10 reps, but no less than 10 reps)
  3. Heavy weight: 3x5

Cable Butterflies for upper-chest: 3x12 (ask me how)

Incline Dumbbell bench press: 3x7

Weighted Dips: 2x10 + 1 set of as many as possible at body weight (using the seated dip machine)

Do some abs and stuff….