Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nov. 19: Heavy Legs and some Biceps...

Today was somewhat of a short day. Felt extra toasted after squatting pretty hard and couldn't bring myself to do any more than I did.

Pushing 365 was a new high. After that, it was all I could do to stay awake!

Legs and Bi's

Squats: 3x7 (135, 185, 225) 4x5 (275, 315, 365, 315)

Flatbar Biceps Curls: 1x10, x12, x15

Hamstring Curls: 3x10-12

Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov. 18: Chest and Triceps

Another reasonably big day. No new highs, but I'm feeling good afterwards.

Chest and Tri's

Bench Press: 3x5 warm-up (185 lbs), 3x7 (225 lbs., 250 lbs., 265 lbs.)

Reverse-grip Triceps Extensions: 1x10, 1x15, 1x20

Butterflies: 3x10

DB Kickbacks: 3x12

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nov. 17: Back Day

Feeling toasted after this lift. Haven't been keeping the blog updated after my recent travels for work, but I think I'm going to re-up my focus on this and my personal fitness.

My new mantra- "Always better"

Back day

Wide-grip Lat Pull-downs: 3x12 (3 min. rest between sets)

Wide-grip Lat Pull-downs: 3x7 (~1 min. rest between sets)

Bent-over DB Rows: 3x12

Bent-over DB Rows: 3x7

Close-grip Pull-downs: 4x12 **Using the handle with your palms facing each other

Shrugs: 3x12

Eat some chicken...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Oct. 17: Thighs and Bi's

So, I would never ever never ever ever recommend doing leg day after a back day, BUT my partner suggested it. Back almost couldn't stand the leg part of this lift, but I made it. My thigh's a bit sore, so I didn't get as much weight as I'd have hoped but still a big day

Thighs and Bi's

Heavy Squats: 2x7 warm-up, 3x5 heavy
(315 lbs, 315 lbs, 335 lbs)

Quad Curls: 3x12-15


Calf Raises: 3x12-15


Preacher-bar Curls:  1x12, 1x17, 1x25


Bent-over DB Curls: 3x12
**I should have made a video of this, but I didn't think to. Standing up and bending over, for whatever reason, forces you to pull more from the top of your biceps as opposed to the bottom like in the previous lift. I bent all the way over with my free arm elbow resting on my knee. Will make a video soon

Oct. 16: Back to Lats (back and shoulders)

Yesterday, I went a bit overboard with the lats. I'm really aiming to make my lat's a bit wider and develop between my shoulder blades. Had a good day for shoulders, too- only did one shoulder lift but I hit it pretty hard.

Back to Lats

Lat Pull-downs: 1x15 warm-up, 5x10
Way more reps than I usually do, but I'm also looking to increase how many pull-ups I can do.

Bent-over DB Rows: 3x12

DB Seated Shoulder Press: 3x10-12
(65s, 75s, 70s)

Straight-arm Pull-downs: 3x12-15

DB shrugs: 3x15

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Oct. 12: Leg Day Sampler

Today was a bit of a random day. I missed a few days during the week, so today was my day to get a few missed gains

Leg Day Sampler

Heavy Squats: 2x5-7, warm up, 4x5 heavy

Leg Press: 4x15

Hamstring Curls: 3x10-12

Dumbbell Biceps Curls: 3x10-12

Standing Shoulder Press: 3xAMAP **If you can do more than 15, add weight
(as many as possible)

Shrugs: 3x10-12

Calf Raises: 3x15

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oct. 9: Back and Shoulders

Dear World,

I didn't post my last few workouts. I don't like posting stuff that doesn't make sense- yesterday's workout was thrown off 'cause I was sick and only did half of what I wanted; Monday was thrown off because I lifted alone and was too distracted. Either way, today Zak and I killed it.

Back and Shoulders

Light-weight Lat Pull-downs: 3x12 warm-up weight

Wide-grip Pull-ups: 3x10-12

Heavy Lat Pull-downs: 3x7

Seated Close-grip Rows: 3x12-15


DB Straight-arm Pullovers: 3x10-12


Rear Delt. Raises w/ Cables: 3x10-12


DB Front Deltoid Raises: 3x12-15

Shout Outs!

Dear Tyler- practice a joke, and then let me post it on here! JOD- Joke of the day…..TJOD- Tyler's Joke of the Day. GFLT…Get Funny Like Tyler…just some ideas

Dear Sara(h)- I didn't see you at the gym today……………………………………….

Dear Donald Watts- Can I have a before and after pic for my slide show?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oct. 6: Back in a Big Way

So, my back's been developing slower than everything else- fewer gains visibly and with the numbers. Today, all I did was back with far more reps than I usually do. If you want to talk more, hit me up on facebook.

Back in a Big Way

Lat Pull-Down: 2x15 warm-up weight

Wide-Grip Pull-ups: 3x10-12

Heavy Lat Pull-downs: 4x7

Bent-over DB Rows: 3x12

Flat-bar Rows: 3x10

Chin-ups: 3x12

Straight-arm Lat Pull-Downs: 3x12

Even did some abs!

Let's talk

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Oct. 3: Best Chest and Tri's Day

Yesterday was a bit of a crap shoot. Did shoulders and back, but my focus was bad and I ended up doing a bunch of random stuff in no reasonable order.

Today, I got back on track and had a good day. Not very interested in my chest getting bigger, so I'm keeping the chest reps low and focusing more on strength

Chest and Tri's

Bench Press: 2x7 warm-up, 3-4x5 heavy
(185, 225, 245, 295, 265, 245)
**I like to work my way up to prove to myself that I can do the weight. Also, I'm still letting my shoulder heal. Last week, 275 felt like I was pushing it. Thankfully, I've healed enough to get a new high today. The drastic changes in my weights (245 to 295) aren't ideal- each person lifts different.

DB Inclined Flies: 3x8-10
(30s, 40s, 50s)

**Video soon. Here's a link:**

Triceps Extension Superset: 2x15 each hand, 2x12, 2x10
**For these, alternate between palms facing up and palms facing down. EX: we did one set of 15 reps palms up, one set palms down for the first "2x15" set.

Go get big. And tell me how you did it..ha

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Oct. 1: Thighs and Bi's

Today was a trip. Last week, I told Zak (lifting partner) I could increase my max squat by 10 pounds per week. This is my first week actually tracking and proving myself right.

Someone just mentioned that you have to sign into something to leave a comment. I don't know how right that is, but if you care to comment, send me an email or something…facebook request or something to let me know that I might possibly almost be helping someone out! lol


Tomorrow, I'll get back to finding inspirational videos to put on here.

Don't cheat and be lazy on your squats like the rest of the world!

Legs and Biceps

Heavy Squats: 2x5 warm-up, 3x5 heavy
(205, 255, 315, 345, 375x3, 315x4) 
**Couldn't finish my last heavy set, so I dropped weight and did a few extra to make up for it

Leg Press: 3x15-20
(5 plates)

Seated DB Biceps Curls: 1x20, x15, x12
(25s, 30s, 35s)
**20 reps each arm so 40 total

Hamstring Curls: 3x12

ABS! Ha! I actually really did abs for a change today. 3 sets of 10 reps on this random ab crunch machine that I don't expect to ever see in another gym ever again. Abs are like the vegetables of the gym- gotta have em' but everyone hates them.

Make moves

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept. 30: Chest and Tri's

Dear Strangers- don't be strangers. Say hello, share a result or idea or something. Conversation can turn into motivation.

Dear Zak- I win again.

Dear 4moms Jokesters- stop reading..Ha…unless we can actually discuss workout stuffs over lunch or something

Chest and Triceps

Inclined Bench Press: 2x7 warm-up weight, 3x5-7 heavy
(185, 205, 225x7, 245x5, 225x7)

Dips: 3x10-15

Triceps DB Kick-backs: 3x7 heavy, 2x12 light **I'll be sure to make a video of this next time
(35s, 35s, 35s, 20s, 20s)

Reverse-grip Triceps Extensions: 3x10-12 **Reverse grip meaning palms up

By the end of the workout, I was feeling under the weather (aka lazy). Probably should have tossed in another exercise but there's always tomorrow..

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Friday Legs

Hello all,

Went to see Ricky Smiley last night with my girlfriend. Had to cut the gym a bit short. Should have worked shoulders but I only got to blast the legs really quick.  I've switched my workout plan- I'm mainly working to get quicker and stronger. Not looking to build bulk right now. So, you'll see a lot of shorter sets with heavier weights

Some old heads from my racing team wanna talk about how they've been playing in the weight room. I'm a skeptic, won't like- the internet gives people a lot of power to say what they want! Nonetheless, they were the motivation I needed yesterday to finish out that last set of squats. I won't be outworked…


Heavy Squats: 4x5 (me: 2 warm-up sets with 95 lbs and 135, then 225, 285, 305, 315)

Dumbbell Step-ups: 4x7 each leg (so, up and down 14 times each set) (me: 60s, 65s, 70s, 70s)

Weighted Hops: 3x20 **I literally just jumped to get my toes off the ground with a 155 lbs barbell on my shoulders. Explosive calf raises

Front Squats: 3x7 (me: 165, 185, 185)

Go get some abs!!!

Someone get at me: comment, question, pics, something...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Legs and Shoulders

I haven't posted in a good while. My apologies to anyone that might be looking. Still learning to balance this semi-new class work load and the rest of my life! I hit the gym pretty hard the past two days. It's time for me to get in running shape- planning to shed a few pounds and get my speed back up.


Devin C- I hope you'll continue to share your exercise journey with me.
Megatron Wes- I'm still waiting for my update on your progress!
Alex R.- Not sure if you'll see this, but I hope you're still hitting the gym hard. I'm sure you are. Keep me posted on your progress too bro! I wanna hear your story


Legs and Shoulders

Heavy Squats: 5x5

Power Cleans: 6x3

Front Squats: 3x7

Barbell Lunges: 3x10 (each leg)


12 hops between sets; literally do a small jump like you'd jump a rope between each set of lunges

Deltoid Triplets: 3 sets


Front Deltoid Raises: 3x12

ABS! I actually usually skip abs, but it's time to get over that hump. I forgot what I did though- forgive me!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan. 31: A Trio

So, I did such a crap job in the gym yesterday that I didn't even type my workout up. This Pittsburgh rain kills my drive. Had to go back and re-work my back and bi's today. Should have been a chest day, but my shoulder is still sore.

Back, Bi's and Tri's

Arnold Pull-overs: 3x15, 3x 7 ***The sets of 7 should be with heavier weight

Heavy Dumbbell Curls: 3x7

Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions: 3x12-15, each arm

Dumbbell Curls: 3x10

Dumbbell Kickbacks: 3x15 **I prefer one arm at a time; the video shows both at once


Cable-machine Triceps extensions: 3x10, 3x7

Preacher-bar Curls: 3x12 **Less weight, really focusing on the contraction

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan. 29: Thick Thigh Tuesday

I barely walked out of the gym today…HA! I pushed past a few mental boundaries and made some serious gains today. Hopefully, someone else will do this workout and tell me how it went for them!

Legs and Shoulders

Squats: 2x7 (warm-up), 3x5 Heavy (me: 135, 185, 275, 275, 295 lbs)

Barbell Shoulder Press: 1x12, 2xAMAP (95x12, 115x16, 135x10, 95x8)

Leg Press: 1x15, 2x AMAP (me: 2 plates x 15, 2 plates x 30, 4 plates x 35)

****This one was the kicker. This guy worked in on leg press with me and tossed on 4 plates on each side. When I asked him how many reps he thought we should do and he said 30, I laughed like he was crazy. My last set of 35 was like a self-taught lesson on will power and determination. I want to hear someone else's success story!

Hamstring Curls: 3x15

Calf Raises: 3x15

Walk away slowly...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jan. 22: Legs and shoulders

Man, it's so cold outside it hurts! Almost too cold to walk to the gym- almost.

Hopefully someone will send me some before pictures for my slide show! Put your before picture up so you have to make an after version showing your success! Somebody will hear me out, I hope…

Legs and Shoulders

Heavy Squats: 2x7 (Warm-up), 3x5 heavy

Smith Machine Calf Raises: 1x12, 1x15, 1x25

Barbel Shoulder Press: 4x7

Front Deltoid Raises: 3x15

Quadricep Curls: 2x20

Monday, January 21, 2013

Jan. 21: Chest Day

Hello All,

I focused on just chest today. After having to take 2 months off, it's hard to get my pec endurance and strength back up. Scratch that- it's hard work, but it's just a matter of determination. Shoulder's not 100% yet, but it's getting there. My numbers (the ones in the small font) are way low compared to before...

Someone share their success, please! Ask your questions! give me your comments. Hit me up!

Chest Day 

Bench Press: 2x15 (Warm-up), 3x10-12 (155 lbs)

Inclined Dumbbell Bench: 4x AMAP (60s x12, 55s x15, 40s x17)

Dips: 3x10-12

Butterflies: 5x5, quick sets (shorter rest times)

I was pretty beat up after that. I went and stuffed my face immediately after the gym.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

June 18: Legs and Shoulders

Another good day..was in a bit of a rush.

Legs and Shoulders

Heavy Squats: 2x10 (Warm-up), 4x5 Heavy

DB Seated Shoulder Press: 3x12

Calf Raises: 3x15 Slow

Quadriceps Curls: 2x14 **Two legs up, one leg down, alternating legs.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jan. 15: Leg and Shoulder Day

Another hard hard day. It was a struggle to make it out of the gym, I was so tired!

Leg Day

Squats: 1x12 (Warm-up), 1x12, 1x15, 1x20

Barbell Shoulder Press: 3x12-15

Smith Machine Calf-raises: 3x20

Side Deltoid Raises: 4x12

Monday, January 14, 2013

Jan. 14: Chest and Triceps

So, today was my first day in almost 2 months working chest again! I think my shoulder is finally healing, but it's still iffy. Either way, it felt good to feel big again. It was almost upsetting how many New Years people decided to be in the gym today. Please, somebody prove me wrong and actually commit to getting the body you desire!

Chest and Tri's

Dumbbell Bench Press: 4x15-20 **Let the first set be a warm-up

Dumbbell Incline Butterflies: 3x15-20

Triceps Extensions, palms down: 3x12-15

Dips: 3xAMAP (as many as possible)

Incline Bench Press: 3x10-12

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Small update and a link on burning Fat

Hello anyone that might be interested. I'm home on my last Christmas Break for college and haven't really had access to a gym that I can lift at. Hence, me not posting my workouts. As I have a race in April, I have to start running again to get a little more lean and increase my speed.

A friend asked about burning fat- popular topic. here's an article I found useful from I tend to read quite a bit from their website in my free time

Hopefully someone will get back to me!