Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jacked Back Tuesday

Heavy back day for a change. This one has me stiff…

Wide Grip Lat. Pull downs: 1x15 light weight, 4x7 heavy

Rowing Superset- 3 rounds
-Cross-body Rows: x12 (same as high cable rows, except reaching across your body-Video)
-Dumbbell Bent over Rows: x10-12

Seated Close-grip Rows: 3x15 Lighter weight, holding each rep 2-3 seconds

***This was the hardest thing all day! I actually used a watch to count the seconds for my partner. Everything else builds strength, builds muscle. These long sets should get your back more toned

Assisted One-arm Pull-ups:
- Palms facing in: 4x7
- Palms facing out: 4x7




Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Best Chest Monday

Heavy chest day again! Worked on endurance last time; this chest workout is to build strength.

Bench Max Routine: 1x12, x7, x5, x3, x1…x1 until failure (Start very light; I started at 135, finished at 345. I take at least a minute between sets)
***Use this to compare your improvement every so often.)
Incline Cable Butterflies: 3x12 (try to do more weight than you've done on previous days!)

Declined Bench with Dumbbells: 3x10 (still using heavy weight!)

Finisher Press: 4x5 (The bar should be almost half an arms length from your chest when racked)

Dips: 3x20 (with the grips out wide)

NOTES: Heavy weight = as much weight as you can do for the set. You should only need assistance for the last 1 or 2 and what you do for 10 reps is different for what you do for 5. IF YOU HAVE ON TOO LITTLE WEIGHT, do more reps for that particular set.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Saturday, Shoulders

For anyone who cares it was my birthday week. Hence, the irregular posts and such lol


Standing Shoulder Press: 3x15-20

Extended Deltoid Triplets: 3x10 (So, 30 reps total)

Rear Delt. Superset:
-Seated High Rows: 5x7 (heavy)

-Overhead Lawn-Mowers: 5x12

Front Deltoid Raises with Barbell: 3x10-12


6 minute abs!…get some


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Friday: Quick Chest Day

Nothing too special today…

Bench Press: 3x15-20

Heavy Bench: 5x5

Incline Butterflies with Cables: 3x10

Butterflies: 3x12

Dips: 4x As many as possible (minimum 10 each set)


Thursday, February 23, 2012

2/21: Back Day

Iiiiiii missed Monday's lift. Life.. . .

Tuesday tho!!! BACK DAY!

Lat Pull-downs, behind the head: 3x15-20

Bent over Rows with Barbell: 3x12

Upright Rows: 3x10, 2x20

Pull-up Training Superset 1: 3 Rounds
-One arm, palm facing you: x7 (do both arms, just one at a time!)
-One arm, palm facing away: x7

Pull-up Training Superset 2:
Do the same workout, but decrease the weight on the assistance pad and do 5 reps for 3 rounds.
Pull-up Training Superset 3:
Decrease the weight MORE and do 3 reps for 3 rounds.

Reverse Butterflies: 3x10-12 (focus on pinching shoulder blades together, hold each rep for ~3 seconds)

One arm Rows with Dumbbells: 3x10 (5 slow, 5 fast)

Pull downs for Front Lats: 3x12

Protein Shake Please!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sunday: Leg Day

I had to do most of this work out alone and kind of slacked; not my best of days

Leg Press: 3x15 (high reps doesn't mean baby weight!)
Squats: 5x7
Dumbbell Step-ups: 3x20 (10 each leg, alternating legs each rep)
-Hold dumbbells by your side and "step-up" onto a platform, stack of weights, a bench. Lift the knee of the leg that's not on the platform into "high-knees" position, then step back down.
Side Leg Raises: 4x12-15

Squats: 3x10 (Yup! MORE!)
Hamstring Curls: 3x12-15

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday: Triceps Tribunal (with some biceps, too)

Hope someone enjoys this! Twas' Dillon's first day. Look out for new pix!!

Shout out to Tony for helping with the slideshow. Can't wait for the After pic!

Triceps Tribunal (with some biceps, too)

Reverse-grip Bench Press: 3x10-12 (warm-up set of 15)

Triceps Superset- 3 rounds
-Dumbbell Skull-crushers: x12 (
-Bent Over Extensions: x12 (


Upper Bicep Curls with Cables: x12 (Put cables up high, or use Lat pull-down machine; start with arm as close to vertical as possible, look away from your arm to keep your elbow back and in place; curl your hand to your ear)

Barbell Bicep Combination Curl: 3x14 (alternate between curling halfway up and all the way up, 1 half way, one all the way, etc.)

Superset- 3 rounds
-Reverse Grip Triceps Pulldowns with Cables: x12 ( **Don't let your arms any more than halfway back up to your shoulders; rep should end with your forearms being horizontal. Guy in video is cheating!**
Cross-body Hammer Curls: x12 ( <--Dumb link won't change color...

Dips: 5x As Many As Possible (minimum of 10; use assistance pad if needed)

Zak claims to have done abs…I had a meeting. You don't have an excuse lol

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday: Shoulders Like Mountains

Hope y'all like this.


Standing Barbell Shoulder Press: 3x15

Side-Deltoid Raises with Cables: 3x10

DB Side-Deltoid Raises: 3x7-10 **On this one, start and finish with hand upside-down (thumb turned towards the ground, pink-side of your hand on top)**

High Seated Rows: 3x10-12 **Hold each rep for a 3 counto (Bring the bar to your eyes to focus on rear deltoids; too high or too low works your back)

Barbell Front Deltoid Raises: 3x10-12

Smith Machine Shrug Superset- 3 rounds
- Forward-leaning Shrugs: x12 (Bar behind the body, lean way forward, keeping hips near bar)
- Leaning-back Shrugs: x12 (Bar in front, leaning backwards)

Heavy DB Shoulder Press: 3x5

Heavy DB Shrugs: 3x10 **hold each rep for a 3 count**

6PACK! Get one…

PICTURES Email me so I can put em' in the slide show...

Boobie Tuesday

Getting the knee checked Thursday. There might be a leg day soon! But everyone loves a chest day in the interim.

Boobie Tuesday **Reasonably short workout, so make sure you're not cheating yourself by
                                       going too light**

Bench Press: 3x12-15 (warm up with a lightweight set of ~20)

Single-arm Dumbbell Incline Bench: 3x10-12 (at no point are you holding 2 weighs during this lift!)

Smith Machine Single-arm Negatives: 5x5 (alternating arm, so each set has 10 reps)

Weighted Dips: 5x7 (moderately heavy weight. You can use dumbbells or a weight belt if there's no seated dip machine)

-the negatives are meant to suck, so don't cheat.
-if the 10th rep was still easy, you need more weight!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lats on Lats on Latttsss (Back Day)

Killed the back today. Tried a few new things. Hope someone enjoys this!


Superset One- 3 rounds
Lat. Pull downs, wide grip, behind the head: x10
Lat Pull downs, close grip: x7

Superset Two: 5 rounds
Single-arm High Rows: x12 (on cable machine, standing) 
Single-arm Cross-body Row: x10-12 

Bent over Rows with Barbell: 5x5-7 (use heavy weight, but don't sacrifice form. Bring bar to your 
                                                        belly button; bringing it up towards your chest works 

Reverse Flies on Cable Machine: 5x10-12 (we do this on shoulder-day too, but focus on using
                                                                 your back this time. 
                                                                 Should feel it between shoulder blades)

Seated Close-grip Rows: 3x10, lightweight (hold and clinch at the top of the rep)

Assisted ONE-ARM Pull-ups: 5x7-10 (Tough one! Change your grip up and
                                                          push yourself between sets and such.)

I'd say do abs, but the one arm pull-ups killed me and i left and took a nap..Ha

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Heavy Chested Friday

Still nursing my knee, so we decided to beat up chest again.

Heavy Bench Press: 5x5 (Increase weight between sets if possible. Challenge yourself)
Barbell Incline Bench: 3x7 (Using as much weight as you can do for only 7 sets)

Superset- 3 rounds:
     Incline Butterflies with Cables: x10 (video)
     Regular Butterflies: x7


ABS ---> Get some

Thursday: Lazy Arm Day

Tweaked my knee a bit and haven't been able to do legs. My mo-jo was zapped and ended up having a kinda lame arm day instead of legs


Barbell Bicep Curls: 5x10
Dumbbell Bicep Curls on Incline Bench: 3x20 (the bench maximizes your range of motion)
Barbell Lower Bicep Curls: 3x10-12 (let your arms go all the way down; 
                                                                           only come back half way up [arms at 90 deg.])
Upper Bicep Cable Curls: 3x12 (adjust the cables so that they're above head height, stand away from the 
                                                                 machine so that your arm is fully extended to your side, slightly raised. 
                                                                 Keeping elbow still, bring fist to your ear/behind your head. 
                                                                 Focuses on upper bicep)

First Triceps Superset- 3 rounds:
Dumbbell Skull Crushers: 1x15
Bent-over Triceps Extensions: 2x10 (yes, 2 sets per round)
Second Triceps Superset: 5 rounds:
Triceps Extensions on cable machine, palms up: x10
Triceps Extensions on cable machine, palms down: x10

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday: Shoulders to Boulders

Yeahhhhh my arms hurt after today...

Seated Smith Machine Shoulder Press: 3x10
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press: 5x5 (heavy)
Barbel Shrugs: 3x20 (10 slow, 10 fast, light - moderate weight)
Overhead Row on Cable Machine: 3x12
Deltoid Triplets: 3x5 (the three individual motions count as one rep)
Seated Barbel Shoulder Press: 3x15-20 (light weight)

Tuesday: Back to Back Day

Tried a few new things. Please share thoughts

Wide-grip Lat. Pulldowns: 3x15
High Cable Rows: 3x12
Seated Close-grip Rows: 3x10 (Focus on pinching your shoulder blades together)
Bent Over Rows: 3x10
Single-arm Pulldowns: 3x20 (Palms facing body)
Low Rows on Cable Machine: 3x12 (Keep your back flat or you'll end up working shoulders more.  
                                                        Works lower lats.)
Reverse Butterflies: 3x7 (Hold the weight up for a few seconds)
Pull-ups: 30 in as few sets as possible

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chester Molester, 2.0

Maxed out to check weekly progression
SURPRISE YOURSELF! Try more weight, and get big

Bench Max Routine: 1x12, x7, x5, x3, x1…x1 until failure (Start very light; I started at 135, 
                                                                                       finished at 345)
Heavy Flat Bench Negatives: 2x5 (Bring the weight down as slow as possible, 
                                                    taking 3 sec. minimum to reach chest. Have your spotter help lift
                                                    the weight back to the starting position)
Raised Bench DB Bench Press: 3x12 (Adjust the back of a bench to be about half as steep as 
                                                           normal incline bench)
Incline Butterflies with Cable: 3x10-12 (Make sure to bring your hands out wide as you come down 
                                                            towards hips. Hands come up and across your body 
                                                            at ~45 deg.)
Vertical Butterflies with Cable: 3x10-12 (Focus on using lower pectorals)
Heavy Finisher Press: 5x5
Dips and Pushup Superset: 4x10 (do clap-pushups if you can)


Saturday, February 4, 2012

My 6 Minute Abs

This little quick routine is enough for my abs…

Crunches: x25 (feet up and not crossed, hands behind your head, touch your elbow to your knees)
Planks: x1 minute (plankelbowstoes.jpg)

Repeat 3 times, no rest (or as little rest as possible)

Don't get stuck on the ground cramping….

Leg Day Saturday

Starting to fall in love with

Leg Days

Power Cleans: 1x12, 1x10, 1x7, 1x5, 1x1 (Increase weight each set and get 
                                                               ~2 min. break between sets; repeat sets of 1 until failure)
Heavy Barbell Deadlifts: 5x5

Smith Machine Full-form Squats: 3x10-12 (get your hips as low as possible; mine were just 
                                                                         under my knees. MAKE SURE NOT TO STRAIN 
                                                                         YOUR KNEES)

Smith Machine Quick Calf-raises: Feet paralell- 3x30
                                                     Toes together, heels at 8 & 4 o'clock- 2x30
                                                     Heels together, toes at 10 & 2 o'clock- 2x30

Horizontal Woodchops: 3x10 (remember to do both sides!)

Side Leg Raises: 3x12 (Leg as high as possible, hold it there for a second if you can)



Friday: Easy Shoulder Day

Shoulder Day
*I was a bit lazy today; if you think you can/should do more, toss in some delt raises to the front, some high pulls maybe.

Barbell Shoulder Press: 3x10 (I used smith machine, but that's not required)

Overhead Lawn-Mowers: 4x7

Benched Dumbbell Deltoid Raises: 3x10

Heavy Dumbbell Side Delt. Raises:  5x5

Front Deltoid Raises with Cables: 3x12

Dumbbell Arnold Press, single arm: 3x12

Wide-grip Flatbar Shrugs: 3x10 (With your hands way out wide on the barbell, let the weight 
                                                      pull your shoulders all the way down. Look down and pull
                                                       shoulders as high as possible. 
                                                      If you can't get your shoulders all the way up, 
                                                      DO LESSWEIGHT!)



Thursday, February 2, 2012

Too Sleepy to be Clever- Leg Day

Leg Day
***I have much less experience with legs than upper body, so please please please give suggestions and tips. Adding Olympic lifts next week, hopefully.***

Leg Press (or Squats), Light - Moderate Weight: 4x12-15

Squats, Heavy: 5x5 (Keep good form and DO NOT SACRIFICE GOING LOW FOR USING TOO
                                 MUCH WEIGHT!!!! cause that's dumb, and people will (should) laugh at you…smh)

Superset 1: 3 sets
                - Step ups with Dumbbells: x12 (each leg, 24 reps total per set)
                - Calf raises: x12

Superset 2: 5 sets
                - Quad curls: x12-15
                - Hamstring curls: x12

** FOR ABS, I like to do 25 crunches, roll over and go into planks for 1 minute; repeat for 3 total sets**

I need your thoughts


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday: Flexing Our Right to 'Bear' Arms

Wednesday: Flexing Our Right to 'Bear' Arms

Arm day…lot's of reps and such..enjoy
**Hard triceps days improve on all upper body lifts

Dips: 3x20

Reverse-grip Bench Press:  5x5, heavy

Tricep Circuit on cable machine, both arms at once: 3 sets of each, alternating, one after the other
                        - Triceps curls, palms up: x10-12
                        - Triceps curls, palms down: x10-12

Reverse-grip Curls with Flatbar: 3x12-15

Upper-half Dumbbell Curls: 3x7, heavy

Sevens: 3 sets, (21 reps per set…see the video)

Superset these last 2:
                        Concentration Curls: 3x7
                        Bent over Triceps Extentions with plate: 3x7

Forearm Curls, palms up: 3x15 (with dumbbells)
Forearm Curls, palms down: 3x15 (with dumbbells)