Tuesday tho!!! BACK DAY!
Lat Pull-downs, behind the head: 3x15-20
Bent over Rows with Barbell: 3x12
Upright Rows: 3x10, 2x20
Pull-up Training Superset 1: 3 Rounds
-One arm, palm facing you: x7 (do both arms, just one at a time!)
-One arm, palm facing away: x7
Pull-up Training Superset 2:
Do the same workout, but decrease the weight on the assistance pad and do 5 reps for 3 rounds.
Pull-up Training Superset 3:
Decrease the weight MORE and do 3 reps for 3 rounds.
Reverse Butterflies: 3x10-12 (focus on pinching shoulder blades together, hold each rep for ~3 seconds)
One arm Rows with Dumbbells: 3x10 (5 slow, 5 fast)
Pull downs for Front Lats: 3x12
Protein Shake Please!
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