Bench Max Routine: 1x12, x7, x5, x3, x1…x1 until failure (Start very light; I started at 135, finished at 345. I take at least a minute between sets)
***Use this to compare your improvement every so often.)
Incline Cable Butterflies: 3x12 (try to do more weight than you've done on previous days!)
Declined Bench with Dumbbells: 3x10 (still using heavy weight!)
Finisher Press: 4x5 (The bar should be almost half an arms length from your chest when racked)
Dips: 3x20 (with the grips out wide)
NOTES: Heavy weight = as much weight as you can do for the set. You should only need assistance for the last 1 or 2 and what you do for 10 reps is different for what you do for 5. IF YOU HAVE ON TOO LITTLE WEIGHT, do more reps for that particular set.
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