Legs and Shoulders
Heavy Squats: warm up, 2x7 (135lbs, 225), 5x5 (275, 295, 315, 345, 365)
Hang Clean to Press: 3x7-10 **If you don't know this lift, it might not be for you. Do overhead press as a replacement. Youtube it!
Calf Raises: 3x20 (10 slow, 10 fast)
Heavy Shrug & Dumbbell Side Deltoid Raise Superset: 3x7,10 (7 shrugs, 10 delt raises, 3 circuits)
Upright Rows: 3x12
Abs and box jumps: 30 minutes, as many of both as possible
Gordon was missed. Glad to have gotten to talk to my sister Natalie today!
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