Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Nov. 12: Back and Biceps

Today was a great day. I wouldn't suggest you do all of this unless you've been lifting a while and know that you're going to be sore tomorrow. My goal for the day was to get my back stronger and increase my lower back endurance.

Back and Bi's

Wide-grip Pull-ups: 3x12

Arnold Pull-overs: 5x5, heavy **I use a machine specifically made for this exercise; the video shows me using dumbbells

Wide-grip Pull-downs: 4x5, heavy

Flatbar Dumbbell Curls: 3x5 (heavier weight, increasing weight between sets), 3x7-10 (decreasing weight between sets

Close-grip Seated Rows: 3x12-15

Upper Bicep Curls: 3x12 **Don't let the arm go all the way down; focus on working the upper half of the bicep

Inclined Cable Rows: 3x15

Get at me…@Emoss225

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Nov. 10: Tri's and Chest Again


So my shoulder's healed enough for me to get back to doing very light chest work again. I'm pretty excited about that; planning to start out doing high rep work to pump my chest back up and get my endurance back before focusing on getting my numbers back up.

Chest and Tri's

Cable Machine Triceps Extensions, palms down: 1x20 (warm-up), 3x15-20 **Focus on working the outer half of your triceps

Cable Machine Neutral Butterflies: 4x20 **Neutral meaning the cables are at the same height as your nipples; your arms should stay parallel to the ground

Cable Machine Triceps Extensions, palms up: 3x15-20 **Focus on working the inner half of your triceps, the back of your arm nearest your armpit/ribcage

Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extensions: 3x15-20

Cable Machine Incline Butterflies: 3x20 **The cables are at waist level, so your pulling your arms up and across your body

Cable Machine Decline Butterflies: 3x20 **Cables up high so you're pulling down and across your body

Then go get some abs and a meal

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nov. 4: Legs

Hello all,

back at this after a good long while. Hurt my shoulder so my lifts have been changed up a lot. Probably went overkill with the legs yesterday, but I can still walk fine today so no worries!


Squats: 2x10 light weight, 3x7 Heavy, 1x12 with as much weight as possible.
            **I used a small step to make sure I got down low enough

Quadriceps Curls: 3x5, 2x7, 1x as many as possible
Hamstring Curls: 3x7, 2x10, 1x as many as possible
**Do a set of quad curls, then hamstrings curls, back and forth

Heavy Smith Machine Calf-raises: 3x7
Light Calf-raises: 3x15

Front Squats: 3x10

I haven't posted for a month and I'm still getting hits?! Somebody hit me up!

my facebook:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nov. 14: Back and Bi's

The more school work I have, the more I want to work out. Womp

Back and Bi's

Wide-grip Lat Pull-downs: 4x10-12
 Seated Close-grip Rows: 3x10


Close-grip Pull-downs, palms facing: 3x15 or more


Flatbar Bicep Curls: 1x10, x15, x20


Chin-ups: 3x12

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oct. 31: Back and Bi's

Had a great day in the gym today

Back and Bi's

Wide-grip Lat Pull-downs: 5x10, behind the head

Weighted Chin-ups: 4x10 (palms facing you) **If you can't do 10 chin-ups, don't add any weight to your hips

Bicep Superset: 3x12 (3 sets on each workout, alternating lifts)
- Flatbar Curls
- Upper Bicep Isolation Cable Curls: on a cable machine, put the cables high enough that your elbow is above your shoulder with your arms extended out to your side. Keeping your elbow still, bring your hand in to your ear. You should feel the burn in your upper bicep

Close-grip Seated Rows: 3x10

Monday, October 29, 2012

Oct. 29: Chest and Triceps

Possibly Zak's biggest day, even though he denies it.

Chest and Triceps

Bench Press: 2x12 (warm-up), 4x5-7

Inclined Cable Butterflies: 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 1x7


Triceps Extensions, palms down: 3x15-20

Finisher Press: 3x7, heavy


Monday, October 22, 2012

Oct. 22: Chest and Tris

Had a new lifter, Glenn, grace skibo gym with Zak and me today. Another great start for a newbie, another good lift

Chest and Tris

Barbell Bench Press: 1x12-15 (warm-up), 3x7 (225 lbs, 285, 315)

Overhead DB Triceps Extensions: 3x12

Heavy Weighted Dips: 3x10

Dumbbell Kickbacks: 4x10-12


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oct. 16: Legs and Shoulders

Today was a heavy leg day. Lemme hear from someone! Can you leave a comment or something? lol

Legs and Shoulders

Dumbbell Side Deltoid Raises: 4x10


Leg Press: 3x10, 2x7, 2x5 **Increase weights each set. Alternate your feet alignment, too.

**Do squats if you have no leg press machine

Power Cleans: 3x7, 2x5, 1x3 (185 lbs, 225, 275)


Smith Machine Calf Raises: 3x20 (10 slow, 10 fast)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oct. 10: Legs and Shoulders

We did fewer lifts today, but we hit each lift really hard.

Legs and Shoulders

Heavy Squats: 1x10 (warm-up) 5x5 increasing weight (225 lbs., 275, 315, 365, 405)


Standing Barbell Shoulder Press: pyramid set, 4xas many as possible **Start heavy, end light
(145x10, 125x10, 105x10, 95x12 )


***Superset these next two lifts

Hamstring Curls: 3x12-15 **Don't be afraid to push the weight and lift heavier

Quadricep Curls: 3x12-15


legs are killing me…
Lemme hear from someone! I need new pictures for my slideshow…

new twitter: @EMoss225

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sept. 6: Legs and Shoulders

Another short workout…

Legs and Shoulders

 2x7 Warm up, 3x10 (275 lbs, 315, 405x5 + 315x3)


Barbell Shoulder Press: 4 Tier reverse pyramid set (155 lbs x 10, 125x7, 105x7, 85x7)


Heavy Shrugs: 3x15


Smith Machine Calf Raises: 3x20 (10 slow, 10 fast)

**This was yesterday's lift. I'll probably go back today and do more leg lifts and something for back.

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5: Chest and Tri's

Chest and Tri's

Flat Dumbbell Bench: 1x12 (Warm-up weight), 3x10 (75s, 100s, 120s, 100s)


Cable Machine Triceps Extensions: 3x15-20


Butterflies: 3x10-12


Decline Bench Press: 3x7, heavy


Dips: 50 in as few sets as possible


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sept. 2: Legs and Shoulders

Today was a weird day. Didn't to get to do as many lifts as usual, but we still had our accomplishments

Legs and Shoulders

Squats: 4x5 (225 lbs., 275, 315, 365)


Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press: 3x7, heavy (70s, 80s, 90s)


Super Set!!

Hang Cleans to Shoulder Press: 4x5

Quad Curls: 4x10


Calf Raises: 3x20 (10 light, 10 heavy)

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1: Chest and Tri's

Had a rough week schedule-wise last week, but hopefully I can get back to a regular routine this week. Had one of our best days in the gym today! I think today was Zak's best day that I've seen.

Chest and Tri's

Barbell Incline Bench Press: 2x10-12, 1 x AsManyAsPossible (+15 reps) (135 lbs, 185, 135x20)


Flat Barbell Bench Press: 3x7, moderately heavy


Heavy Weighted Dips: 3x5, 1xAsManyAsPossible


Preacher Bar Skull Crushers: 3x15


Heavy Finisher Press: 3x5-7 (275 lbs, 345, 315)


I'm surprised at how people still seem to be looking at this, even when I haven't put up new posts lately. Let me hear from someone! Comments and questions and hearing about people's results makes this worth it!

I need new pictures for my slideshow.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sept. 20: Back and Bi's


Went heavy on back today, but the bi work at the end burned a lot, too

Back and Bi's

Weighted Pull-Ups (palms facing in): 4x7
Bent-over Barbell Rows: 3x10-12 (185 lbs., 205, 225)

Dumbbell Arnold Pull-Overs: 3x7

Bicep Curls: 2x10, 1x20

Go do something big!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sept. 18: Legs and Shoulders

Awww snaps. Zak's finally getting his legs strong and I'm still seeing gains. Missed the rest of our lifting partners today

Legs and Shoulders

Squats: 2x10 (warm-up), 3x10 (135 lbs., 185, 225, 275, 315)

Hang-cleans to Shoulder Press: 3x5 (135, 185, 185)


Side Deltoid Raises: 3x7

Smith Machine Seated Shoulder Press: 3x12

Shrugs: 3x25

Mess around with some abs to end the day

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept. 17: Chest and Tri's

I hope someone else out there is getting strong like we are!

Chest and Tri's

Heavy flat Dumbbell Bench Press:  1x10 (warm-up), 3x7 (100s, 120, 120)

Heavy Incline Dumbbell Bench: 3x5-7 (100s, 120, 100)

Butterflies: 3x10-12

Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extensions: 3x10-12 (100s for all sets)


Dips: 2x As many as possible (25, 25)

Pushups: 1x As many as possible (25, 25)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sept. 15: Back and Bi's

Hello all! Had a hectic past few days and missed the gym Thursday and Friday. Went back with a vengence today tho!

Back and Biceps

Wide-grip Pull-ups: 3x20

Deadlifts, pyramid set: 5x5 (135 lbs, 185, 275, 315, 405) **Pyramid set means increasing weight each set. "Reverse pyramid" means starting heavy and ending light

Flatbar Bicep Curls, reverse pyramid: 4x as many as possible (115 lbs.x12 reps, 95x15, 75x20, 55x25)

Close-grip Lat Pull-downs: 3x10

Smith Machine Calf Raises: 3x20 (10 slow, 10 fast)
Heavy Hammer Curls: 3x7 each arm (65s, 70s, 70s)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sept. 11: Chest and Shoulders

Kind of a big day, but not too long of a workout.

Legs and Shoulders

Squats: 2x7 (warm-up), 4x5


Power cleans to Press: 3x3 (185 lbs., 185, 225) **Video coming soon


Heavy Shrugs: 3x15


Quad Curls: 3x12 (both legs), 3x14 light (2 legs up, 1 leg down)

Had to cut the day short..hope someone out here's going hard!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept. 10: Chest and Tri's

Had a whole lil crowd trying to lift today lol. Nice to see new faces, but we're gonna have to figure out a gameplan

Chest and Tri's

Heavy Barbell Bench Press: 2x10 (warm-up), 3x5 (275 lbs., 295, 315)

Incline Bench Press: 3x10 (185 lbs x 10, x12, 225x10)

Finisher Press: 3x7 (315, 295, 295)


Cable Triceps Extension Superset: 3x20 (10 palms up, 10 palms down)


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sept. 8: Legs and Shoulders

John came out hard today. I wasn't even planning to hit the gym today until he suggested it. Was nervous he was gon' work harder than me!

Legs and Shoulders

Leg Press: 1x12 (Warm-up weight) 3x12 (6 plates, 7 plates, 8)

Smith Machine Step-ups: 4x14 (7 each leg)

Overhead Barbell Press: 3x12 (25s, 45, 45)

Seated Rear-deltoid Raises: 3x10-12

Heavy Quad Curls: 4x7

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sept. 7: Chest and Tri's

Chest and Tri's

Dumbbell Bench: 1x12 (warm-up) 3x10-12 (75 lbs, 100, 100, 120)
Cable Incline Flies: 3x7, heavy
Heavy weighted dips: 4x5
Heavy Reverse Bench Press: 3x7

I need new pics for my slideshow..make it happen

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sept. 6: Back and Bi's

Hey hey..another big day! Team Dominate (the new name for the guys I lift with) is getting bigger! lol

Back and Bi's

Lat Pull-downs: 1x12 (warm-up weight), 3x14 (7 behind the head, 7 in front)
Dumbbell Pull-overs: 3x7 Heavy

Bent-over Barbell Rows: 3x10-12
Preacher Bar Curls: 3x20 (yeah, these hurt!)

Chin-ups: 3xAs Many As Possible (palms facing your face)

Heavy dumbbell Hammer: 3x7

Lemme hear from someone!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sept. 4: Chest and Triceps

Hey, thanks to everyone that's let me know they're checking out my blog. Keep hitting me up!

Chest and Triceps

Bench Press: 2x10 (warm up), 4x7 heavy

Incline Dumbbell Butterflies: 3x10-12

Seated Dumbbell Triceps extensions: 3x12

Cable Machine Triceps Extensions: 4x12 (palms up)

Weighted Dips: 3x10-12

Friday, August 31, 2012

Aug. 31: Legs and Shoulders

Trying my best not to fall asleep as I type this lol. Very much a tiring lift…


Heavy Leg Press: 2x12 (warm-up) 4x7

Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 1x12 (warm-up) 3x10

Quad Curl/ Hamstring Curl Superset: 3x12 (12 on each lift)

Smith-machine Calf Raises: 3x20 (10 slow, 10 fast)

Front Deltoid Raises: 3x10

Lemme hear from someone!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Aug. 30: Chest and Triceps

Another big day. The newest lifter in my group was inspirational as ever, possibly pushing harder than I did.


One-arm Dumbbell Bench: 1x12 (warm-up weight), 3x10

Butterflies: 4x7, heavy


Triceps Extension Superset: 3 circuits, sets of 12 (palms up and palms down)

Declined Bench Press: 3x12

Dips: 1x As many as possible (I did 50, John did 30)


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aug. 28: Legs and Shoulders

Another big day…another new max. EVERYBODY went hard today. Shoutouts to Bill, John and Jason!

Keep pushing thru Natalie!

Legs and Shoulders

Squat Pyramid Set: 12, 10, 7, 5, 3, 5…, 12 (225lbs., 275, 315, 365, 405 and back)

Upright Rows: 3x7


Heavy Shrugs: 4x7 (4 plates + 35s on the shrug machine, Zak)


Dumbbell Side Deltoid Raises: 3x10


Smith Machine Calf Raises: 3x10 (315 lbs, 275, 225)

Lemme' hear from someone!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Aug. 27: Chest and Tri's

Hey hey…had to take it easy last week because of a sore shoulder. Threw all my lifts off. Back at it now tho!

Chest and Tri's

Bench Press: 4x10 (plus a warm up set, so 5 total)

Incline Bench Press: 3x12


Incline Cable Flies: 3x10


Dumbbell Kickbacks: 3x12


Seated Dumbbell  Triceps Extensions: 4x7


Dips: 3x10-15


Jason- good job today. It's only fun to lift with someone else when they're really pushing their self. You seemed to go harder today than any other day. Don't be afraid of trying too much weight; that's why you have a spotter. Go hard and push your limits…

John Bailey- Shocked me today, man! Wasn't expecting you to come lift but I'm glad you did.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21: Switched it up

Hey hey, been super busy lately- orientation programs and such for incoming freshmen. I tweaked my shoulder the other day, so I had to skip chest day and switched shoulders for biceps today. Bear with me!

Legs and Biceps

Squats, pyramid set: 12 reps, 10, 8, 5, 3 and back down. **10 sets total, increasing on the way up and decreasing on the way down**(185 lbs., 225, 275, 315, 365, back down)


Smith Machine Calf Raises: 3x12 heavy, 3x20 light (10 slow, 10 fast)


Flatbar Bicep Curls: 3x10


Dumbbell Bent-over Curls: 3x5 **Bend over with the free hand on your knee, the weighted hand hanging straight down. Curl to your chest**


Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3x7


Quadricep Curls: 5x12


Bill! I thought your form and everything today looked better than ever. Good job buddy

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

July 14: Legs and Shoulders

Had a few achy joints today…no new maxes..

Legs and Shoulders

Squats: 2x7, 5x5 heavy

Barbell Shoulder Press: 4x7

Side Deltoid Raises: 3x10-12

Shrugs: 3x12

Smith Machine Calf Raises: 3x10 heavy

July 13: Chest and Tri's

Sad I didn't put this up after the lift. This was definitely my biggest day ever (weight-wise)

Chest and Tri's

Barbell Bench Press: 2x7 (warm up) 4x5 heavy (255 lbs x5, 295x5, 315x5, 335x3, 350x2)

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: 3x7 (100s, 120s, 100s)

Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extensions: 3x10-12 (80 lbs, 100, 120)

Dips: 3x20

Friday, August 3, 2012

July 3: Legs and Shoulders

Another big power clean max

Legs and Shoulders

Power Cleans: 1x7(warm-up), 2x7, 1x3-5

Dumbbell Front Deltoid Raises: 3x10

Leg Press: 3x7, heavy

Dumbbell Reverse Butterflies: 3x12 *Video soon

Shrugs: 3x12-15

Barbell Shoulder Press: 3x12

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Aug. 1: Back and Bi's

Worked myself into a stomach ache…Thanx for pushing me today Zak!

Back and Bi's

Lat Pull-downs: 1x12 (warm-up weight), 3x10

Dumbbell Pull-overs: 3x7 (80 lbs, 90, 100) **I used 1 hand in the video but 2 hands for this workout


Bent-over Dumbbell Rows: 3x12 (100 lbs, 120, 120)

Incline Bench Bicep Curls: 4x5, Heavy


Light-weight Hammer Curls: 3x20 **20 each arm

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31: Legs and Shoulders

Another day of new highs. New squat max, woot woot!

Legs and Shoulders

Squats: 2x10 (warm up), 3x7 (295 lbs, 315, 365)


Hang Cleans to Press: 3x7


Dumbbell Side Deltoid Raise/ Smith Machine Calf Raise Superset: 4x10 x (10 slow, 10 fast on calfs)


Upright Rows: 3x10

Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 2: Chest and Triceps

Possibly my biggest day of the summer…

Chest and Tri's

Barbell Bench Press: 4x7 (275 lbs, 295, 305, 315)
Incline Barbell Bench: 3x5, heavy (205 lbs, 245, 225)
Dips: 3x at least 20 (25 reps, 27, 43)
Tricep Cable Superset: 3x12
Finisher Press: 3x7



Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 6: Back and Bi's

With this new routine, we're lifting 6 of 7 days working each muscle group twice. Chose to do Saturday instead of Sunday this time around.

Back and Bi's

Wide-grip Pull-ups: 3x10-12

Weighted Chin-ups: 4x7 (35 lbs., 45, 45, 90) **Palms facing in

Bent-over Barbell Rows: 3x10-12

Heavy Dumbbell Curls, upper bicep focus: 4x7 **Lower your arm to just below 90 degrees, come back up as high as possible; this should help pull from the top of the bicep. Use too light of a weight and you won't feel anything.

Seated Preacher Curls: x12, x15, x20


Good first week! Restarting the routine but changing up the sets for the upcoming week!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 5: Leg and Shoulders

Another great, great day. New max on the leg press machine for both myself and Gordon. Let's get big..

Day 5: Legs and Shoulders

Power Cleans: 4x5

Reverse Butterflies: x10, x 15, x20

Leg Press: 4x10

Smith Machine Shrug Superset: 20x2, 18x2, 16x…14…12. Alternate each set- bar in front of you and bar behind you

Dead Lifts: 3x5

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 4: Chest and Tri's!

Whaaaat?! Two chest days in one week? Marvelous!

My video of the day:

Day 4: Chest and Triceps

Dumbbell Bench Press: 3x10 (90s, 120s, 120s)

Inclined Butterflies with Cables: 3x10

Reverse Grip Bench: 3x minimum of 12 **Do as many as possible on this lift; I did 25 reps, 14 reps, and another 20 for my last set)

Decline Barbell Bench: 3x10

Smith Machine Negatives: 2x10 **From the up position, let the weight fall as slow as possible. Then, have your partner do most of the work to lift the weight back up. And repeat

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Routine Day 3: Back and Bi's

Another great day. Let me here from someone!

Back and Biceps

Lat Pull-downs: 2x10 light (warm-up weight), 3x10
Bicep Curls on Incline Bench: 3x12

Heavy Arnold Pull-overs w/ Dumbbells: 3x10 **BOTH HANDS, not one at a time this round

Bent-over Dumbbell Rows: 3x10

Assisted One-arm Pull-up & Reverse-grip Bicep Curl Superset: 3 rounds, x7 and x10 respectively


My thought of the day…
What is your worth if you're not helping someone else?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Routine, Day 2: Legs and Shoulders

Hey hey, day two, continuing the heavy part of this week.

Legs and Shoulders

Heavy Squats: warm up, 2x7 (135lbs, 225), 5x5 (275, 295, 315, 345, 365)

Hang Clean to Press: 3x7-10 **If you don't know this lift, it might not be for you. Do overhead press as a replacement. Youtube it!

Calf Raises: 3x20 (10 slow, 10 fast)

Heavy Shrug & Dumbbell Side Deltoid Raise Superset: 3x7,10 (7 shrugs, 10 delt raises, 3 circuits)

Upright Rows: 3x12

Abs and box jumps: 30 minutes, as many of both as possible


Gordon was missed. Glad to have gotten to talk to my sister Natalie today!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Still hyped up after this list. Had a great day. Gordon came thru like a CHAMP! Zak made too much noise, as usual, but hit the gym as hard as ever too

Heavy Monday
(Light Monday coming next week..)

Heavy Barbell Bench Press: 2x10 (warm-up weight), 5x5 heavy (255 lbs, 285, 295, 315, 275 WOOT!)

Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extensions: 3x7-10, heavy **You do 10 if you grabbed too light of a weight; it's hard to judge how much weight you can do (90 lbs, 100, 120)

Barbell Incline Bench Press: 3x7 (185 lbs, 225, 205)

Triceps Extensions Superset: 3 circuits of 7, palms up and palms down **Rush through with as little rest as possible

Caged Bench Press: 3x7 (255 lbs, 315, 275)



Lemme' hear from somebody!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21: Arm Day

Hello hello,

Took it easy today- wasn't feeling too hot. New workout routine starting Monday!

Arm Day

Reverse-grip Bench: 3x10

Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extensions: 3x15

Barbell Biceps Curls: 3x15

Seated Hammer Curls: 3x10

Cable-machine Triceps Extensions, Palms down: drop set- pick a moderately heavy weight, so as many reps as possible. Immediately after that last rep, drop 10 lbs or so and repeat for 5 sets with little to no rest

Dips: 3x as many as possible

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19: Leg Day

At it again…will probably be stuck in this chair for the evening lol

Daily Motivation:

Leg Day

Leg Press: 4x15

Heavy Squats: 4x5

Barbell Dead Lifts: 4x7

Smith Machine Calf Raise Superset: 3 circuits, sets of 10 (10 slow, 10 fast), Toes facing forward, toes pointing in at about 45 deg, toes pointing out at about 45 deg.

Quad Curl & Hamstring Curl Superset: 3 circuits, sets of 15 & 12, respectively
Get your small leg jokes in now! They'll be void soon lol

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 18: Shoulder Day

Another big day…

Shoulder Day

Smith Machine Shoulder Press: 3x12-15

Heavy Dumbbell Shoulder Press (seated): 3x5

Smith Machine Shrug Superset: 20x2, 18x2, 16…14…12start off with the bar IN FRONT, do 20 shrugs, turn around with the bar BEHIND you, do 20 shrugs, so on and so forth until 12. **This is one long set with little to no rest until you finish the last set of 12 behind your back.

Front Deltoid Raises with Barbell: 3x12 **Palms facing up

Reverse Butterflies: 3x10-12

Side Deltoid Dumbbell Raises on Inclined Bench: 3x10-12 **Video coming soon


Lemme' hear from someone!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17: Back Day

Hello All,

No fancy words today. Feeling tired from the day

Back Day

Lat Pull Downs: 3x15

Weighted Pull Ups (palms facing you): 5x5

Lat Pull OVER (on machine, or do Arnold Pull overs): 3x7

machine --->

Arnold Pull Overs --->

Bent over Rows (on machine or using dumbbells): 3x12

Assisted One-arm Pull Ups (palms facing away): 3x7, each arm


Strong body, strong mind

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16: Chest Day

Chest day again. I don't usually post my weights, but I'm going to today; felt it was an exceptional lifting day. Someone share some results!!!

Chest Day

Bench Press: 1 set to warm up, 3x10-12 (me: 135 lbs x 20, 225 lbs, 255, 275)

Heavy Dumbbell Bench Press: 3x5 (me: 100 lbs DB, 120 lbs for 2 sets)

Incline Butterflies on Cable Machine: 3x10-12

Decline Bench Press: 3x10 (me: 185x15, 225x10, 205x10)

Chest Burnouts **New to the blog** (Only works if you have at least 2 people to help with the weight!)

With as no-to-little rest between sets, starting with an empty bar do: 1x15 (add weight after last rep), 1x10, 1x7, 1x5, 1x3 and BACK DOWN, starting at 1x5, 1x7…taking off one plate after each finished set

Weights: my smaller lifting partners did the bar, added 10 (each side), added 5, added 5, added 2.5

For stronger guys, add three 10s and a 5 (for the set of 3)

For a challenge, add a 25, two 10s and a 5.

**Video coming shortly

Went extra hard on chest this week. We'll probably back off a bit next week

Dillon- for actually leaving a comment. Thanx!
Bill- for actually finishing the burnout on your first time!
Gordon- for surprising us yet again; getting stronger every day!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15: Leg Day

Just finished this one. Went straight from the gym to bed! Ha

Leg Day

Leg Press Machine: 4x12 **Remember, everything is with as much weight as you can do while still finishing the set!

Power Cleans: 3x7 **If you don't know how to do these, substitute this lift with overhead squats or step-ups

Heavy Squats (not on Smith machine!): 4x5 **This is where you get strong!

Supersets, 3 circuits:
- Quad Curls x 12 reps
- Hamstring Curls x 12 reps
- Calf raises: x 10 slow reps followed by 10 fast reps

EXTRA CARDIO STUFF that I chose to do last minute…
Box jumps + flutter kicks: 5x20 of each with as little rest as possible **on the flutter kicks, each leg goes up and down 20 times- so 40 total, each set


…Good job Gordon...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 14: Shoulder Day

Hello hello hello! Leg day coming tomorrow

Shoulder Day

Side Deltoid Raises with Cables: 3x12

Heavy Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 5x5 **This is where you get stronger!!!

Cable Machine "Lawn Mowers": 3x15-20 **Works your rear deltoid

Heavy Upright Rows on Smith Machine: 3x7

Reverse Butterflies: 3x10

Deltoid Triplets: 3x21 (each different motion is a set of 7) **Reasonably light- I used 20s and 15s today.

Heavy Shrugs: 3x12

Everyone that helped with the Bars for the BAR campaign. I appreciate it..

Friday, July 13, 2012

July 13: Arm Day

So, yesterday I skipped the gym for another engagement. Came back with a vengeance today. This video had me at tears almost

Secondly, my sister's hitting the books hard prepping for the BAR had me pumped to hit the weights hard

Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extensions: 3x10-12


Barbell Bicep Curls: 3x10

Reverse-grip Bench Press: 3x5-7 **Reverse-grip means the palm-side of your wrist it facing your head instead of your feet

Heavy Preacher Curls: 3x7

Triceps Extensions Superset w/ Cables: 3 circuits, sets of 12, palms up and palms down

Barbell Reverse-grip Bicep Curl & Dumbbell Hammer Curl Superset: 3 circuits, sets of 10-12


Gordon- Again man, great day. You keep impressing me. Zak had nothing but good things to say about y'alls shoulder day (that I missed). I've been bragging about how you're gonna make more progress than AJ Pichardo (who's "training" with Ryan Brackett…)

Zak- for being a good lifting partner. No mushiness for you lol

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11: Back Day

Hello hello..took yesterday off- needed a break. Did cardio at night

Back Day

Wide Grip Lat Pull-downs: 3x10

Weighted Pull-ups (palms facing in): 5x5 **You can do these with a weight belt or a dumbbell between your knees. If you can't do weight, do 5 sets of 5.

Heavy Machine Rows: 3x7


Light weight Seated Close-grip Rows (with 5 second pause): 3x12 **Hold each rep back for a 5 count, pulling the weight down towards your bellybutton/ hips.


Close-grip Pull-downs (palms facing each other): 3x10


Reverse Butterflies: 3x7 **Focus on pulling from your back more so than from your shoulders


Answers to people's questions:
Manny- Try to get 1gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight. Protein shakes are a good way to get this high amount of protein. That, plenty of carbs (look up "carb loading), and hard lifting will help build muscle. If you're not eating enough protein and carbs but you're lifting hard enough, you'll just develop leaner more toned muscles; if you're not doing enough of either, you'll just get no results.

Sean MC- This is a tough one to answer. You can do circuit training tho. Pull-ups (palms facing in & palms facing out), bicep curls (palms facing up & down), weighted crunches (Video), and pushups (wide grip, hands at shoulder width, diamonds). Depending on your level of fitness, you could pick 4 or 5 of these 8 workouts, go through each workout doing as many reps as possible in 30 seconds taking as little rest as possible for something like 20-30 minutes. If it's too easy, you should do more reps, rest less, etc. This should get you more defined if you push hard enough

Brandon- Exercise wise, the best advice I have is to look at the routines I put together and figure out what works best for you. It's my opinion that if you're not getting stronger each and every week you're either not working hard enough or you're doing something wrong. Getting enough sleep is very important, and so is eating enough protein and carbs. 1 gram protein per body weight, do some research into "carb loading". As long as you're lifting hard enough, you can't eat too much. Junk foods don't count, but foods high in carbs and protein will be good for you. I'm trying to gain weight, too- having a chicken breast, 3 or 4 potatoes, and a can of green beans for dinner. If I had more milk, I'd finish it off with cereal lol. From seeing you, I'm going to assume you have high metabolism; if you're like me, you need to eat twice as much as you normally would.

Kevin- To drop weight, cut carbs. I dropped 20 lbs. of fat in a month for a competition recently; I completely cut carbs (I'd have a few for breakfast), and essentially only ate protein and vegetables. Cardio's important but you have to lift hard, too. Cutting carbs will make you more tired, but the pounds will fall off. You don't have to completely cut carbs, but if you make a drastic change in how many you take in you'll see results. I'd say have carbs in the morning and try to have as few as possible within the few hours before and after working out.

JORDAN KAPELI: Hey man, it was great hearing from you- highlight of my week so far. When sharing stories with people about high school football and the great athletes I've come across, you're always one of my favorite people to talk about. I'm proud of you for getting into a football program away from home, and I really want to do as much as I can to help you be successful (academically, socially, any way I can). I graduated from Liberty a long time ago, but that family we formed on the field stays wrong- I still lift in my old football shirts! Let's make sure we keep in touch more.

JASON: It was great having you in the gym again! We gotta get you some music though. Gotta practice your mean face so you can hit the weights harder lol! Great job in the gym, though; your effort and determination helps me push through the workouts harder

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9: Chest Day is the Best Day

Used today to measure how my strength has increased and what not. We started out by maxing out on bench press, which is good to do every now and then to make sure you're increasing. Unfortunately, my elbow was sore from bball the other day- no new max for me

Chest Day

Max-out Bench: 1x12 (135 lbs), 1x10 (185 lbs), 1x7 (205), 1x5 (225) 1x3 (255), drop to single rep sets and increase weight until failure (275, 295, 315, 325, 335) ** I only listed my weights as a way of judging how I increased each time

Heavy Incline Dumbbell Bench: 3x7 (both hands at a time)

Decline Cable Butterflies: 3x10

Dips: 3x min. of 15 (get help or use the pad if needed- I did 15, 25, 27)

ABS!!! And go eat healthy.  PROTEINNNNN! (I laughed…)

Gordon (again!!!) and Bill- watching y'all helped me push myself today. I'ma feel this tomorrow…
Zak- almost got nervous you were gonna outlift me today lol.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7: The skinny leg jokes end soon

This one was a grinder…

Leg Day

Squats: 3x10 + a light warmup set of 12 **Just because it's a set of 10 doesn't mean light weight! Do as much weight as you can handle for 10 reps. I barely finished my last set

Heavy Leg Press: 3x7 **Same concept as before- enough weight that you're questioning rather or not you can finish after the 5th rep of each set

Quad Curls (on machine): 3x10-12

Calf raises: 3x20 (10 slow, 10 fast each set)

Light weight Deadlifts: 3x10-12 **Really focus on form and keeping your butt under you the whole time. Works your lower back and core, as well as your hips and thighs.

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 6: Arm Day

Had a great week in the gym! Thanx everyone for sharing your new inspirations to get in the gym. It's helped me hit the weights extra hard everyday

Arm Day

Heavy Reverse Bench Press: 4x7 + a warmup set of 10-12 **This is just like normal bench press, except your palms are facing down towards you instead of up towards the ceiling

Skull Crushers (with easy curl bar): 3x12

Flatbar Bicep Curls: 4x12-15 **There are a lot of reps, but that doesn't mean use baby weighs!

Tricep Extension Superset: 3 circuits
- palms down x 12
- palms up x 12


Heavy Hammer Curls: 3x5

Brandon S. and Chris C.- great to hear from both of y'all. Glad to see y'all are watching and are working towards your own goals!